Did you know - on-campus?

Advising suggestions for on-campus degrees

This page is for students who are preparing to meet or have already met with an undergraduate advisor for course planning. Below are important things to know, questions you may want to ask, and other useful information as it pertains to your chosen degree program. Under the dropdown menus below you can discover the best ways to cover DARS requirements, see the latest updates of course scheduling, learn more about minors and certificates, tips for getting the most out of advising appointments and more...

Ask your advisor

  • How can I get involved in research or internships?
  • What student organizations can I explore that relate to my major?
  • What kind of study abroad opportunities relate to my major?
  • What career pathways can I consider with this major?

How to contact your advisor

Students have assigned advisors. To find out who your advisor is, go to my.asu.edu and login. In the right hand column in the "Academic Support Team" box, click on "Academic Advising". A drop down will show your advisor and give their contact information.

To-do checklist

School is more than just attending class. The following checklist with quick-links can be helpful for you to prepare for then many items that happen around going to class.

Get involved outside of class

Minors and certificates to consider

  • History and Philosophy of Science
  • Secondary Education
  • Computational Life Sciences
  • Evolutionary Medicine certificate
  • Anthropology
  • Art (dance, studio, music, etc.)
  • Business
  • Criminology
  • Family studies
  • Foreign languages
  • STEM (chemistry, math, etc.)
  • Psychology
  • Global health
  • Nutrition
  • History
  • Sociology
  • Political science
  • Sustainability
  • Women and gender studies

Important things to know

  • A BIO elective may satisfy as a Science and Society and your major requirement.
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 (Research) or BIO/MIC/MBB 484 (Internship) may satisfy your major requirement (form required).
  • Any School of Life Sciences upper division coursework (BIO/MIC/MBB) may satisfy a major elective.
  • See Additional major requirements under your degree program on our course requirements page for more information.
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences) or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept either MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You may major in pre-health or pre-professional.
Fall only courses
  • BIO 322 Conservation Biology and Ecological Sustainability
  • BIO 421 Landscape Ecology
  • BIO 422 Ecosystem Ecology
  • BIO 324 Environmental Ethics
  • BIO 325 Oceanography
  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology 
Spring only courses
  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology
  • BIO 309 Plant Anatomy
  • BIO 410 Techniques: Conservation Biology and Ecology
  • BIO 412 Conservation in Practice

Please note: The above Fall and Spring courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • 3 credits of Science and Society 

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • BIO 314 and 414 combined are equal to a Literacy (L) requirement.
  • BIO 311 may satisfy Science and Society general studies and your major requirement.
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 (Research) or BIO/MIC/MBB 484 (Internship) or BIO/HON 492 may satisfy your major requirement (form required).
  • Any School of Life Sciences upper division coursework (BIO/MIC/MBB) may satisfy one of your major electives.
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for life sciences)or BIO 181 (Biology) for all majors.
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept either MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You may major in pre-health or pre-professional.
  • Research or internship are required for this major.
Fall only elective courses
  • BIO 311 Biology and Society
Spring only elective courses
  • BIO 314 Research Colloquium in Biology and Society I
  • BIO 414 Research Colloquium in Biology and Society II

Please note: The above courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • 3 credits of Science and Society

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • BIO 312 (HU) or 416 (L) may satisfy a Science and Society and your major requirement.
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 (Research) or a BIO/MIC/MBB 484 (Research Internship) my satisfy your major requirement (form required).
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences) or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept either MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You may major in pre-health or pre-professional.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • 3 credits of Science and Society

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • BIO 322 and BIO 324 may satisfy as a Science and Society and your major requirement.
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 (Research) or BIO/MIC/MBB 484 (Internship) may satisfy your major (form required).
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences)or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You may major in pre-health or pre-professional.
Fall only elective courses
  • BIO 322 Conservation Biology and Ecological Sustainability
  • BIO 421 Landscape Ecology
  • BIO 422 Ecosystem Ecology
  • BIO 324 Environmental Ethics
  • BIO 325 Oceanography
Spring only elective courses 
  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology
  • BIO 309 Plant Anatomy
  • BIO 410 Techniques: Conservation Biology and Ecology
  • BIO 412 Conservation in Practice

Please note: The above courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • A BIO elective may satisfy a Science and Society and your major elective.
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 (Research) or BIO/MIC/MBB 484 (Internship) my satisfy your major requirement (form required).
  • Any School of Life Sciences upper division coursework (BIO/MIC/MBB) may satisfy a major elective.
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences) or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You can major in pre-health or pre-professional.
Fall only elective courses
  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology
  • MBB 347 Molecular Genetics
  • BIO 446 Principles of Human Genetics
Spring only elective courses
  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology
  • BIO 440 Functional Genomics
  • MBB 343 Genetic Engineering in Society

Please note: The above courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • Science and Society (3 credits)

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • MBB 343 may satisfy a Science and Society and your major requirement and a Literacy (L).
  • MBB 490 and MBB 491 may satisfy one Literacy (L).
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences) or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You can major in pre-health or pre-professional.
  • Research or internship are required for this major.
Fall only courses
  • MBB 347 Molecular Genetics
  • MBB 350 Applied Genetics
  • MBB/MIC 445 Techniques in Molecular Biology/Genetics and MBB/MIC 446 Techniques in Molecular Biology/Genetics Lab
  • MBB 490 Capstone: Issues in Biotechnology (MBB 491 may be taken before MBB 490)
  • MIC 441 Bacterial Genetics
Spring only courses
  • MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society
  • MBB/BIO 440 Functional Genomics (3 credits)
  • MBB 491 Capstone: Issues in Molecular Biosciences (2 credits) (Can be taken before MBB 490)
  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology
  • MIC 442 Bacterial Genetics lab

Please note: The above courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • Science and Society (3 credits)

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • BIO 312 (HU) or BIO 416 (L) may satisfy a Science and Society and your major requirement.
  • MIC 302 and MIC 401 may satisfy one Literacy (L). For more information on this, please see the next bullet point. 
  • MIC 401 is the Microbiology Research Paper course that requires permission before enrolling and agreement paperwork will need to be submitted. Please consult with an advisor at least a semester prior to enrolling to verify course requirements. For more explantation about MIC 401 please review our explanation PDF document.
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 (Research) or a BIO/MIC/MBB 484 (Research Internship) can satisfy in your major requirement (form required).
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences) or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept either MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You can major in pre-health or pre-professional.
Fall only courses
  • MBB 347 Molecular Genetics
  • MIC 441 Bacterial Genetics
  • MIC 445 and 446 Techniques in Molecular
  • Biology/Genetics and Lab
Spring only courses
  • BIO 343 Genetic Engineering and Society
  • MIC 442 Bacterial Genetics Lab

Please note: The above courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • Science and Society (3 credits)

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • MIC elective may satisfy a Science and Society and major elective requirement.
  • MIC 302 and MIC 401 can satisfy as one Literacy (L) elective.
  • MIC 401 is the Microbiology Research Paper course that requires permission before enrolling and agreement paperwork will need to be submitted. Please consult with an advisor at least a semester prior to enrolling to verify course requirements. For more explanation about MIC 401 please review our explanation PDF document.
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 (Research) or a BIO/MIC/MBB 484 (Internship) may satisfy in your major requirement (form required).
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences)or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept either MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You can major in pre-health or pre-professional.
Fall only courses
  • MBB 347 Molecular Genetics
  • MIC 441 Bacterial Genetics
  • MIC 445 and 446 Techniques in Molecular Biology / Genetics and Lab
Spring only courses
  • MIC 442 Bacterial Genetics Lab

Please note: The above courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • Science and Society (3 credits)

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • BIO Elective may satisfy a Science and Society and your major elective.
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 (Research) or BIO/MIC/MBB 484 (Internship) may satisfy in your major (form required).
  • Any School of Life Sciences upper division coursework (BIO/MIC/MBB) may satisfy a major elective.
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences) or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You can major in pre-health or pre-professional.
Fall only courses
  • BIO 436: Sociobiology and Behavioral Ecology
  • BIO 461: Comparative Animal Physiology
  • BIO 462: Endocrine Physiology
  • BIO 351: Developmental Biology
  • BIO 385: Comparative Invertebrate Zoology
Spring only courses
  • BIO 467: Neurobiology
  • BIO 370: Vertebrate Zoology
  • MBB/BIO 343: Genetic Engineering and Society

Please note: The above courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • Science and Society (3 credits)

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).

Important things to know

  • PSY 101 may satisfy a social behavioral (SB) science.
  • HU, SB or L may satisfy “awareness areas” as well as degree requirements.
  • We accept BIO 281 (Biology for Life Sciences) or BIO 181 (Biology for all majors).
  • We accept STP 231 (Statistics for Life Sciences) or STP 226 (General Statistics).
  • We accept MAT 251 (Calculus for Life Sciences) or MAT 210 (Brief Calculus).
  • You can major in pre-health or pre-professional.
Fall only courses
  • BIO 476 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Spring only courses
  • BIO 400 Topics in Neuroscience
  • BIO 477 Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (3 credits)

Please note: The above courses are not guaranteed to be offered in listed semesters.

Things to keep in mind

University requirements 
  • No more than 64 credits can be transferred from 2-year institutions.
  • 120 hours of credits are required for completion.
  • 45 credits must be upper division credit hours and must include:
    • LIA 101 (1 credit)
    • First Year Composition (3-6 credits)
    • Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Upper division Literacy (L) (3 credits)
    • Mathematics (met with major)
    • Natural Sciences (met with major)
    • 2 Humanities (HU) (6 credits)
    • Upper division HU or SB (3 credits)
    • 2 Social Behavioral classes (SB) (6 credits)
    • Culture and Diversity in the U.S. Awareness (C)
    • Historical Awareness (H)
    • Global Awareness (G)
The College requirements
  • 3 credits of upper division Science and Society
  • Science and Society (3 credits)

Please note: Always refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS).