Pre-med FAQ

Pre-med FAQ

Frequently asked questions

Yes - an excellent choice! If you want to attend medical school, dental school, physician assistant/associate school, veterinary school, or another health professional program, ASU’s School of Life Science is a great place to start. Our majors provide a comprehensive education in the life sciences. You will gain critical thinking skills, research experience and foundational knowledge you need to apply to whichever health profession program will allow you to achieve your goal.

No, we do not - for good reason. Each health professional school will have its own unique requirements, so they do not require a specific major.  Many programs will prefer students who receive a traditional liberal arts education. A School of Life Sciences major will provide you the opportunity to take a range of science classes that will prepare you for entrance exams and build your foundational science knowledge for professional school. 

The best major is the one you are most passionate about. Professional schools want mature, well-rounded scholars who are enthusiastic about learning, have diverse interests and are inspired by public service. As long as you complete the school's prerequisites, then you can apply with any major.

Many classes offered by ASU’s School of life Sciences will fulfill common prerequisites. The most common prerequisites include:

  • General biology, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, anatomy and physiology
  • Biochemistry, general chemistry, organic chemistry
  • Physics, statistics
  • English and social sciences

Most of these courses are required for our majors. Health professional schools will have their own unique prerequisites - check their admissions requirements online to make sure you are taking all the required courses.

Our courses will help prepare you for the physical and biological sciences portions of admissions tests.  We will teach you how to think like scientists by developing your skills in data analysis, critical thinking and science communication. Many students will use electives to prepare for the social science portion of admissions tests if necessary.

Our exciting, hands-on research opportunities can elevate and inspire your career path.
We encourage you to:

  • Work side-by-side with our world class scientists
  • Conduct independent research in a top-notch lab

Take advantage of opportunities in research, leadership and service learning. Scholarships and awards are also available.

Pre-health advisors will guide you through the process of preparing and applying to health professional school.  The ASU Pre-health website is an excellent resource.  You may request a meeting with the Health Professions Advising Office.