Give to the life sciences

Your gift impacts our students, their research and empowers the next generation of leaders in science.

The impact of your philanthropy

Our mission is to inspire and transform life sciences students through innovative learning experiences that prepare them to thrive in a dynamic and demanding world. By giving to the School of Life Sciences, you are ensuring that students receive the resources and support they need to succeed. 

Your gift supports real-world research

Engaging in real-world research opportunities is one of the most important aspects of a life sciences education. At the School of Life Sciences, our research programs give students hands-on experience as early as their first year that set them on the path towards careers as scientists, doctors, professor and other positions where research capability is a vital. By supporting the life sciences, you’re helping students and faculty make groundbreaking discoveries that will change how we see the world around us.

Life sciences funds

Giving to the School of Life Sciences will directly support students and our programs that are training the next generation of scientists who can transform our future.

Nancy Manley

Director and professor
School of Life Sciences

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Need help planning your gift?

The College's Development Office can help align your interests to funds in the School of Life Sciences so that your gift makes the biggest impact on the issues you care about. To start contact the development officer who works with life sciences donors in The College.

Jennifer Marsteen | Natural sciences