STEM Inclusion Summit

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024

The Research for Inclusive STEM Education (RISE) Center is hosting the third annual STEM Inclusion Summit on Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024.

9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Memorial Union, Arizona Ballroom



The purpose of the summit is to convene the ASU community to learn about current research and initiatives related to diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM at ASU. All speakers are invited and there are opportunities for individuals to present their own research, teaching strategies, or initiative as either a poster or information booth! This is a great opportunity to get feedback on your work or initiative and to meet other like-minded folks at ASU.

Poster session submission

Do you conduct research on inclusive STEM education? Have you found a way to help students feel more like they belong in your science course? Do you run a program that helps support marginalized students in science?

Present your work as a poster at Arizona State University's RISE Center's STEM Inclusion Summit on Wednesday, Nov. 6. This is a great opportunity to get feedback on your work or initiative and to meet other like-minded folks at ASU. Anyone is welcome to present: undergraduates, graduate students, staff and faculty.

Submission deadline Oct. 18

Info booth registration

Help broaden awareness about your organization or initiative at Arizona State University's STEM Inclusion Summit on Wednesday, Nov. 6. Information booths about programs are specifically for people who are a part of a group, organization or initiative at ASU that is focused on improving inclusion in STEM. You will be given a table that can hold up to 3 people where you can hand out flyers or resources and meet people to discuss your program.

If you are going to be host an information booth, please register for the conference as well. There are no registration fees.

Submission deadline Oct. 18

Hosted by

Research for Inclusive
STEM Education (RISE) Center


Memorial Union
Arizona Ballroom


Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Summit schedule

8:30 a.m.Check-in and light breakfast 
9 a.m.Introduction to summitKatelyn Cooper
9:10 a.m.Welcome remarksSara Brownell
9:15 a.m.Opening keynote Kelly McDonald
10:30 a.m.Research for Inclusive STEM Education - Part I 
 Women and LGBTQ+ students disproportionately experience fear of negative evaluation in active science learning classroomsJynx Pigart 
 A single session intervention increases undergraduate confidence in small group, whole class, and one-on-one discussions in active learning college biology coursesKatelyn Cooper
 Inclusive language analytics: Appreciating variance in how students writeRod Roscoe
 Perspectives from undergraduate science instructors: Are we equipped to effectively accommodate students with disabilities in our classrooms?Emma Goodwin
11:30 a.m.Online Learning and Inclusion 
 Only half-way there: Access versus inclusion onlineIan Gould
 Dreamscape Learn Research: Exploring students' intersectional identitiesAnnie Hale
 ASU’s Inclusive Excellence Project: exploring differences between fully online and in-person degree programsJim Collins
 Designing for Inclusion at the Molecular LevelAriel Anbar
12:15 p.m.Lunch 
12:45 p.m.Poster Session 1 
2 p.m.Research for Inclusive STEM Education - Part II 
 Queer of Color Realities in STEMAntonio Duran
 Changing paradigms to support recruitment of Native American faculty in engineeringKristen Parrish
 Different, Not Deficient: Leveraging Virtual Reality to Cultivate Awareness of the Neurodiverse Engineering Student Learning ExperienceBrooke Coley
2:30 p.m.ASU initiatives aimed at inclusion 
 ADVANCESharon Hall
 Inequities in Tenure and Promotion: RecommendationsMarisol Perez
 The Center for Broadening Participation in STEM at Arizona State UniversityCaroline VanIngen-Dunn
 Closing RemarksLisa Magaña
3:30 p.m.Poster Session 2 and social hour 


Summit schedule

Summit schedule forthcoming.


In-person registration

The STEM Inclusion Summit will be held in-person from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Arizona Ballroom at the Memorial Union. 
Not able to join us for a full day? You can register for individual sections!

In-person registration will close on Sunday, Nov. 3.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

Virtual registration

The STEM Inclusion Summit will be available virtually! All keynote speakers and lighting talks will be available to be viewed in real time.

Please register as a virtual attendee to receive the Zoom webinar link. Virtual registration will be open until 9 a.m. the day of the summit.

Invited talks

Invited talks

Speakers will be listed once confirmed.

Card image cap


Poster printing it available on campus through the VisLab. Digital and hard copy proofs are available to review before printing. Please visit the VisLab website to submit your conference poster.

Submit your poster


Laura Pang | 

Lauren Halley |