Meet the advisors
General contact information
Tempe Immersion
Advising lead: Denise Odom
Front office: Tanner Bayles
- email: sols.advising@asu.edu
- phone: (480) 727-6277
Advising lead: Jordan Griffin
Front office: Tanner Bayles
- email: sols.online@asu.edu
- phone: (480) 727-6277
Tempe Immersion (on-campus)
ASU Online
Faculty may NOT approve these requests from students:
*Students requesting one of the overrides in this section should be directed to their SOLS academic advisor for assistance.
- Enrollment into a closed/full class section.
- Enrollment using a seat reserved for a specific population (i.e. SOLS-only majors, Honors students, online students only, etc.); these are always listed on the Class Search.
- Enrollment in an ASU Online course if request is from a Tempe Immersion (campus) student.
- Enrollment in a Tempe Immersion (campus) course if request is from an ASU Online student.
*Please note: students cannot enroll in courses not affiliated with their admitted campus due to university limitations and restrictions.
Faculty MAY APPROVE these requests from students:
- Enrollment in a course with missing prerequisite or corequisite.
- Enrollment after the add/drop deadline (late-add request).
- Note: SOLS Advising may decline the student’s late-add request depending on how late in the term the request is submitted.
- Enrollment in a course with a time conflict. Students must have permission to enroll from both faculty teaching the conflicting courses.
Students may submit their override requests by using the Course Override Form, emailing their adviser, or emailing sols.advising@asu.edu. Students are required to include written faculty permission for consideration.
For assistance with Incomplete grades, grade changes, or initiating academic record changes, contact Student Services Coordinator Tanner Bayles or 480-727-6277.
Information about all ASU grading options, including Incomplete and Y grades, as well as grading changes can be found on the University Registrar's Grades and Records page.
- The Incomplete Grade Request is a strongly suggested contract for the instructor and student to complete when agreeing on an Incomplete grade.
- Y grades are at the discretion of the instructor. If faculty will be giving students the grade option of Y (Satisfactory), the terms of the Y option should be explained clearly in the syllabus. SOLS considers the Y grade option on a case-by-case basis when students request it.
- A Y grade is considered to be the equivalent of a C or above. Merely passing with a D does not merit a grade of Y. The Y grade option should not be referred to as “pass/fail.”
- Additionally, the Y grade does not impact GPA. The Y grade may or may not be accepted by professional/graduate schools. Students may not repeat a course that they earned a Y grade in, and they may not revert the Y grade to the true earned letter grade after the Y grade has been posted.
The university policy for academic record changes is documented in the Student Services Manual section SSM 203-02: Academic Record Change.
Medical/compassionate withdrawals are available for students needing to withdraw from one or more classes due to a serious illness, injury, or other significant personal situation. Medical/compassionate withdrawals require relevant and detailed supporting documentation for consideration. Approval is at the discretion of The College and there is no guarantee a request will be approved. More information about requesting a medical/compassionate withdrawal can be found on The College's Medical and compassionate withdrawal page.
SOLS Academic Integrity Officer contact information
Helpful resources for insuring academic integrity
Review ASU’s policies and guidelines pertaining to student academic integrity.
Helpful information provided by The College regarding academic integrity.
University Academic Success Programs’ tutoring centers offer free support to currently enrolled ASU students in Math, Science, Business, and Statistics. Students can visit the tutoring centers to work with a peer tutor, attend review sessions before major exams, and utilize prep sessions to refresh their knowledge on core concepts to prepare them for their upcoming coursework.
Tutoring services are available for both Tempe Immersion and ASU Online students. Visit the tutoring website for more information.
School of Life Sciences forms
- Undergraduate Research Credit (BIO/MIC/MBB 495)
- Honors Thesis Credit (BIO/MIC/MBB 492 + 493)
- Non-Barrett Thesis (BIO 496)
- Assistant Teaching Assistant (ATA) Credit (BIO 494)
- MIC 401 Agreement
- BIO 310 Agreement
For hard copies of completed forms (not through Adobe Sign), please scan and send to sols.forms@asu.edu.
University / The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences forms
Registrar forms
- Enrollment Change Request
- Complete Session Withdrawal
- Reject AP Credit
- Leave of Absence Form
- All other forms (Personal Records, Academic Records, Grad Application, Residency
Financial Aid forms
- Scholarship Certification of Coursework Completion
- Consortium Agreement
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Review
- All other forms (Loans, Scholarships, Verification, Student Employment)
SOLS Scholarship applications open each fall and are due in January. For more information, see the SOLS Scholarship page.
Student are required to submit a personal statement, resume/CV, and unofficial transcript. Please note that students may contact faculty for a recommendation letter when submitting their application.
Email SOLUR@asu.edu with questions.