Course requirements

Review course options below for each of our majors. For major descriptions and career outlook, visit our degree programs page.

On campus

Major Core

Complete the following:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4) 
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) 
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Laboratory/Research Courses

Complete two courses from the list below. Only 3 credits of 495, 484 or 492 can count towards one lab.

  • BCH 367 Elementary Biochemistry Lab (1)
  • BIO 303 Plant Diversity and Evolution (3)
  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology (4)
  • BIO 321 Introductory Ecology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 342 General Genetics Laboratory (2)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 352 Laboratory in Vertebrate Developmental Anatomy (2)
  • BIO 354 Cell Biology Laboratory (1)
  • BIO 357 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 361 Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 385 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 386 General Entomology (4)
  • BIO 415 Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 435 Research Techniques in Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO 451 Cell Biotechnology Laboratory (4)
  • BIO 471 Ornithology (3)
  • BIO 474 Herpetology (4)
  • BIO 475 Advanced Human Anatomy (3)
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO 390 Medical/Dental Field Placement or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study may be substituted for one lab course (1-3)
  • MBB 350 Applied Genetics (4)
  • MIC 220 Biology of Microorganisms AND MIC 206 Microbiology Lab (4)
  • MIC 302 Advanced Bacteriology Laboratory (2)
  • MIC 421 Experimental Immunology (2)

Major Electives

Any SOLS upper division coursework (300 and 400 level BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB) will count in this area, including BCH 361, that has not already been used in the major area.

Additional Major Requirements

Five courses are required, with at least one course from each of the four breadth categories.

Ethics, History and Philosophy of Science:

  • BIO 311 or HPS 340 Biology and Society (3)
  • BIO 312 or PHI 320 Bioethics (3)
  • HPS/PHI 314 Philosophy of Sciences (3)
  • BIO 318 or HPS 331 History of Medicine (3)
  • BIO 416 or HPS 410 Biomedical Research Ethics (3)

Ecology, Conservation Biology, and Evolution:

  • BIO 320 Fundamentals of Ecology (3)
  • BIO 322 Conservation of Biodiversity (3)
  • BIO 421 Landscape Ecology (3)
  • BIO 422 Ecosystem Ecology (3)
  • BIO 423 Population & Community Ecology (3)

Microbiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology:

  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 353 Cell Biology (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420 Immunology (3)
  • BIO 440 Functional Genomics (3)
  • MIC 220 Biology or Microorganisms AND MIC 206 Microbiology Laboratory (4)

Organismal Biology:

  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology (3)
  • BIO 331 Animal Behavior (2)
  • BIO 360 Animal Physiology (3)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 461 Comparative Animal Physiology
  • BIO 462 Endocrine Physiology (3)
  • BIO 467 Neurobiology (3)

Requirements in Related Fields 

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry 

  • CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry (3)
  • CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1) 


Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233 General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234 General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics (4) 


Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111 General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112 General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114 General Physics Laboratory II (1)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Major Core

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4)
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4)
  • BIO 340 General Genetics or MBB 347 Molecular Genetics: From Genes to Proteins (4)
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 312/PHI 320 Bioethics or BIO 416/HPS 410 Biomedical Research Ethics (3)
  • BIO 353  Cell Biology (3)
  • BIO 360  Animal Physiology (3)

Major Elective Concentration Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete two of the following:

  • BIO 351  Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420  Immunology: Molecular and Cellular Foundations (3)
  • BIO/MBB 440  Functional Genomics (3)
  • BIO 462  Endocrine Physiology (3)
  • BIO 467  Neurobiology (3)

Biomedical Research and Medicine in Society 

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete at least six credit hours. One course must be from each list: Biomedical Research and Medicine in Society.

Biomedical Research Course List

  • BIO 342  General Genetics Laboratory (2)
  • BIO/MBB 343  Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 352  Laboratory in Vertebrate Developmental Anatomy (2)
  • BIO 354 Cell Biology Laboratory (1)
  • BIO/MBB/MAT 355 Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology (3)
  • BIO 357 Cell Biology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 361  Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 415  Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 435  Research Techniques in Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO 439 Computing for Research (3)
  • BIO 450  Advanced Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 451  Cell Biotechnology Laboratory (4)
  • BIO 475 Advanced Human Anatomy (3)
  • BMI 465 Computational Genomics
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO 390 Medical/Dental Field Placement or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study may be substituted for one lab course (1-3)
  • MIC 421  Experimental Immunology (2)
  • MIC 425  Advanced Immunology (3)
  • MIC/MBB 446  Techniques in Molecular Biology/Genetics Lab (2)

Medicine in Society Course List

  • ASB/SSH/HST 301 Global History of Health (3)
  • ASB 443/SSH 403  Cross-Cultural Studies in Global Health (3-6)
  • ASB 452/SSH 402  Community Partnerships for Global Health (3-9)
  • ASM 345  Disease and Human Evolution (3)
  • ASM 414 Urban and Environmental Health (3)
  • BIO 302  Cancer – Mother of All Diseases (3)
  • BIO 311/HPS 340  Biology and Society (3)
  • BIO 318/HPS 331  History of Medicine (3)
  • BIO 394 Healing Traditions of Latino America (3)
  • BIO 394 Spanish for Biomedical Sciences (3)
  • BIO/ASM 403 Evolutionary Medicine and Global Health (3)
  • BIO 408 Advanced Evolutionary Medicine (3)
  • BIO 494 Introduction to Clinical Healthcare (3)
  • MIC 314 HIV/AIDS: Sci/Behavior/Society (3) 
  • ASM 401 Health and Human Biology (3)
  • ASB 462  Medical Anthropology: Culture and Health (3)

Biomedical Sciences Laboratory 

The Biomedical Research courses from above will fulfill major lab check.

Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113  General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116  General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry 

  • CHM 231  Elementary Organic Chemistry (3)
  • CHM 235  Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)

---- or ----

Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233  General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234  General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237  General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238  General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry or BCH 461/462 General Biochemistry  (3)
  • BCH 367  Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1) or BCH 467 Analytical Biochemistry Lab (3)


  • PHY 101  Introduction to Physics (4)

---- or ----

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111  General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112  General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113  General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114  General Physics Laboratory II (1)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Major Core

Complete the following:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4)
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) 
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)
  • BIO311/HPS 340 Biology and Society (3)

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following:

Upper Division Bioethics Course (Choose one):

  • BIO 312/PHI 320 Bioethics (3)
  • BIO 416/HPS 410 Biomedical Research Ethics (3)

Upper Division History of Science Course (Choose one):

  • BIO 316/HPS 330 History of Biology: Conflicts and Controversies (3)
  • BIO 317/HPS 323 History of Science (3)
  • BIO 318/HPS 323 History of Medicine (3)

Upper Division Philosophy of Science Course (Choose one):

  • BIO 452/HPS 452 Philosophy of Biology and Medicine (3)
  • HPS 314/PHI 314 Philosophy of Science (3)

Upper Division Science in Global Society Course (Choose one):

  • BIO 302 Cancer - Mother of All Diseases (3)
  • BIO 304/ENV 302 Plants and Civilization (3)
  • MIC/SSH 314 HIV/AIDS: Science, Behavior & Society (3)

Upper Division Environmental Ethics, Conservation and Society Course (Choose One):

  • BIO 322 Conservation of Biodiversity (3)
  • BIO 324 Environmental Ethics (3)

Upper Division Major Biological Sciences Electives (12 credits):

  • 300-499 Level BIO/HPS/MBB/MIC Course
  • BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB 484 Internship (limited to 3 hours)*
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study (3)
  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3)

*Please consult with an advisor to discuss how to obtain research/internship opportunities.

Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Major Core 

Complete the following:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4)
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4)
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) 
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Concentration Core 

Complete the following:

  • BIO 320 Fundamentals of Ecology (3)
  • BIO 322 Conservation of Biodiversity (3)

Human Dimensions of Conservation and Ecology

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 304/ENV 302 Plants and Civilization (3)
  • BIO 324/PHI 310 Environmental Ethics (3)
  • BIO 363 From Cells to Society: Understanding Complexity (3)
  • BIO 412 Conservation in Practice (3)
  • JUS 444/FIS 444 Environment and Justice (3)
  • SOS 310 Equity, Justice and Sustainability (3)
  • SOS 321 Policy and Governance in Sustainable Systems (3)
  • SOS 325 The Economics of Sustainability (3)
  • SOS 349/REL 349/JST 349 Nature, Sustainability and Religion (3)

Conservation Biology and Ecology Field Methods

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 386 General Entomology (4)
  • BIO 405 Sonoran Desert Field Botany (3)
  • BIO 407 Novel Ecosystems (3)
  • BIO 410 Techniques in Conservation Biology and Ecology (3)
  • BIO 484 Internship (1-6) (must receive faculty approval to use as major credit)
  • BIO 494 Discovering Biodiversity: Field to Database (3)

Advanced Ecology

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 331 Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO/SOS 421 Landscape Ecology (3)
  • BIO 422 Ecosystem Ecology (3)
  • BIO 423 Population & Community Ecology (3)

Advanced Ecology, Biodiversity, Field or Research

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • ABS 376 Wildlife Ecology (3) 
  • ABS 380 Restoration and Wildlife Plants (3) 
  • ABS 470 Life History of Mammals (3)
  • ABS 476 Big Game Habitat Management  (3)
  • ABS 481 Riparian and Wetland Restoration (3)
  • ASM 443 Primatology (3) 
  • BIO 303 Plant Diversity and Evolution (4)
  • BIO 313 The Flora of Arizona (4) 
  • BIO 325 Oceanography (3)
  • BIO 331 Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4) 
  • BIO 385 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology (4) 
  • BIO 386 General Entomology (4) 
  • BIO 405 Sonoran Desert Field Botany (3)
  • BIO 410 Techniques in Conservation Biology and Ecology (3) 
  • BIO 419 Physiological Plant Ecology (3) 
  • BIO 421 Landscape Ecology (3)
  • BIO 430/GPH 422 Plant Geography (3)
  • BIO 436 Sociobiology and Behavioral Ecology (3)
  • BIO 461 Comparative Animal Physiology (3) 
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research - maximum of 6 credits from 495 can be applied to major requirements
  • SOS 424 Dynamic Modeling (4)

Advanced Human Dimensions of Conservation and Ecology

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 304/ENV 302 Plants and Civilization (3) 
  • BIO 324/PHI 310 Environmental Ethics (3) 
  • BIO 494 Society and Natural Resource Management (3)
  • BIO 412 Conservation in Practice (3)
  • BIO/SOS 434 People and Nature: Ecosystem Services (3) 
  • JUS/FIS 444 Environment and Justice (3) 
  • PRM 370 Public Lands Management (3)
  • PRM 380 Wilderness and Parks in America (3)
  • REL/SOS/JST 349 Nature, Sustainability and Religion
  • SOS 310 Equity, Justice and Sustainability (3) 
  • SOS 321 Policy and Governance in Sustainable Systems (3) 
  • SOS 325 The Economics of Sustainability (3) 
  • SOS 349/REL 349/JST 349 Nature, Sustainability and Religion (3)

Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Physical Sciences

Complete one of the following:

  • CHM 231 and CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry (4)
  • GIS 205  Geographic Information Science I (3)
  • GIS 211 Geographic Information Science II (4)
  • GLG 101 and GLG 103 Introduction to Geology I (4)
  • GLG 327 or SOS 374 Earth's Critical Zone (3)
  • GPH 111 Introduction to Physical Geography (3)
  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics (4)


  • PHY 111 and 113 General Physics I (4)
  • PHY 112 and 114 General Physics II (4)

Quantitative and Spatial Analysis

Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 411 Quantitative Methods in Conservation and Ecology (4)
  • BIO 415 Biometry  (4) 
  • GIS 311 Geographic Information Science III (4)
  • GIS 470 Advanced Statistics for Geography and Planning (3)  
  • GIS 471 Spatial Statistics for Geography and Planning (3) 
  • GIS 494 GIS for Climate Change Science (3)
  • GIS 494 GIS Methods for Non-Majors (4)
  • SOS 212 Systems, Dynamics and Sustainability (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Major Core

Complete the following:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4) 
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4)
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) 
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following:

  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 353 Cell Biology (3)
  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3)

Additional Major Concentration Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them

Complete two of the following:

  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology (4)
  • BIO 360 Animal Physiology (3)
  • BIO/MBB 440 Functional Genomics (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420 Immunology: Molecular and Cellular Foundations (3)

Major Laboratory/Research Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete two of the following. Only 3 credits of 495, 484, or 492 can count towards one lab.

  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology (4)
  • BIO 342 General Genetics Laboratory (2)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 352 Laboratory in Vertebrate Developmental Anatomy (2)
  • BIO 354 Cell Biology Laboratory (1)
  • BIO 357 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 361 Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 415 Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 439 Computing for Research (3)
  • BIO 451 Cell Biotechnology Laboratory (4)
  • BIO 475 Advanced Human Anatomy (3)
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO 390 Medical/Dental Field Placement or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study may be substituted for one lab course (1-3)
  • MBB 350 Applied Genetics (4)
  • MIC 220 Biology of Microorganisms and MIC 206 Microbiology Lab (4)
  • MIC 302 Advanced Bacteriology Lab (2)
  • MIC 421 Experimental Immunology (2)
  • BCH 367 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1) or BCH 467 Analytical Biochemistry Lab (3)

Major Electives

Any SOLS upper division coursework (300 and 400 level BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB) will count in this area, including BCH 361, that has not already been used in the major area.

Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry 

  • CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry (3)
  • CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1) 

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233 General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234 General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics (4) 

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111 General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112 General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114 General Physics Laboratory II (1)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

The Microbiology Diagnostic Exam is used to determine whether you have adequate background from an existing microbiology class (MIC 205) to skip MIC 220 and still be competitive in upper division microbiology classes. If you successfully pass this exam, you may take any course that has MIC 220 as a prerequisite and utilize MIC 205 as the prerequisite instead.

The diagnostic exam consists of multiple-choice questions and is broken into eight subject areas, each of which can be taken independently as time permits. Each section contains ten questions, which must be answered in one sitting.

To start, contact your advisor to enroll you in the Canvas course. We highly recommended that you review the practice exam, which will give you an idea about the questions and testing format in the diagnostic test.

Once you complete all eight sections of the exam, let your advisor know you have completed the test.


Undergraduate Advising (480) 727-6277

Major Core

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4) 
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) or MBB 347  Molecular Genetics: From Genes to Proteins (4)
  • MIC 220 Biology of Microorganisms & MIC 206  Microbiology Lab (4)
  • MIC 401 Research Paper (1)
    • MIC 401 is the Microbiology Research Paper course that requires permission before enrolling. Please consult with an advisor at least a semester prior to enrolling to verify course requirements.

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 312/PHI 320 Bioethics or BIO 416/HPS 410 Biomedical Research Ethics (3)
  • BIO 353  Cell Biology (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420  Immunology: Molecular and Cellular Foundations (3)

Major Elective Concentration Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete five credit hours, two courses total:

  • BIO 360  Animal Physiology (3)
  • HPS 331/BIO 318  History of Medicine (3)
  • MIC/SSH 314  HIV/AIDS: Science, Behavior & Society (3)
  • MIC 379 Medical Bacteriology (3)
  • MIC 421 Experimental Immunology (2)
  • MIC 485 General Virology (2)

Microbes and Biomedicine Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete at least six credit hours. One course must be chosen from each list below: microbes and biomedicine.

Microbes Course List

  • MIC 302  Advanced Bacteriology Lab (2)
  • MIC 314 HIV/AIDS: Science, Behavior, & Society (3)
  • MIC 360  Bacterial Physiology (3)
  • MIC 379  Medical Bacteriology (3)
  • MIC 425  Advanced Immunology (3)
  • MIC 441  Bacterial Genetics (3)
  • MIC 442  Bacterial Genetics Laboratory (1)
  • MIC 485  General Virology (3)
  • MIC 494 Topic: Human Pathogenic Viruses (3)
  • BIO/MBB/MIC 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO/MBB/MIC 492 Honors Directed Study or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO 390 Medical/Dental Field Placement (1-3)

Biomedicine Course List

  • ASB 462  Medical Anthropology: Culture and Health (3)
  • BIO 302 Cancer - Mother of All Diseases (3)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 345  Evolution (3)
  • BIO 351  Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 451  Cell Biotechnology Laboratory (4)
  • MIC/MBB 445  Techniques in Molecular Biology (3)
  • MIC/MBB 446  Techniques in Molecular Biology Laboratory (2)
  • MIC/BIO 494 Topic: Biotechnology Viruses as Tools (3)
  • MIC 494 Topic: Novel Models for Host-Microbe Interactions (4)


Medical Microbiology Laboratory 

The following courses from the microbes and biomedicine lists will count as major lab check:

  • MIC 302  Advanced Bacteriology Lab (2)
  • MIC 421 Experimental Immunology (2)
  • MIC 442  Bacterial Genetics Laboratory (1)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 451  Cell Biotechnology Laboratory (4)
  • MIC/MBB 446  Techniques in Molecular Biology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO/MBB/MIC 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO/MBB/MIC 492 Honors Directed Study or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO 390 Medical/Dental Field Placement (1-3)


Requirements in Related Fields: 

General Chemistry

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113  General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116  General Chemistry II (4)


Organic Chemistry

  • CHM 231  Elementary Organic Chemistry (3) AND
  • CHM 235  Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)

---- or ----

Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233  General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234  General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237  General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238  General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)



  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3) or BCH 461/462 General Biochemistry (3)
  • BCH 367 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1) or BCH 467 Analytical Biochemistry Lab (3)



  • PHY 101  Introduction to Physics (4)

---- or ----

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111  General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112  General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113  General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114  General Physics Laboratory II (1)



Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)



Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

The Microbiology Diagnostic Exam is used to determine whether you have adequate background from an existing microbiology class (MIC 205) to skip MIC 220 and still be competitive in upper division microbiology classes. If you successfully pass this exam, you may take any course that has MIC 220 as a prerequisite and utilize MIC 205 as the prerequisite instead.

The diagnostic exam consists of multiple-choice questions and is broken into eight subject areas, each of which can be taken independently as time permits. Each section contains ten questions, which must be answered in one sitting.

To start, contact your advisor to enroll you in the Canvas course. We highly recommended that you review the practice exam, which will give you an idea about the questions and testing format in the diagnostic test.

Once you complete all eight sections of the exam, let your advisor know you have completed the test.


Undergraduate Advising (480) 727-6277

Major Core

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4) 
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4)
  • MIC 220 Biology of Microorganisms & MIC 206 Microbiology Lab (4)
  • MIC 302 Advanced Bacteriology Lab (2)
  • MIC 360 Bacterial Physiology (3)
  • MIC 401 Research Paper (1)
    • MIC 401 is the Microbiology Research Paper course that requires permission before enrolling. Please consult with an advisor at least a semester prior to enrolling to verify course requirements.

Additional Major Requirements

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete nine credit hours:

  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 451 Cell Biotechnology: Cell Culture, Immunocytochemistry and Bioimaging (4)
  • MIC 379  Medical Bacteriology (3)
  • MIC 421 Experimental Immunology (2)
  • MIC 425 Advanced Immunology (3)
  • MIC 441 Bacterial Genetics (3)
  • MIC 442 Bacterial Genetics Laboratory (1)
  • MBB/MIC 445 Techniques in Molecular Biology/Genetics (3)
  • MBB/MIC 446 Techniques in Molecular Biology/Genetics Lab (2)
  • MIC 470 Bacterial Diversity and Systematics (4)
  • MIC 485 General Virology (3)
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO 390 Medical/Dental Field Placement or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study may be substituted for one lab course (1-3)

Major Microbiology/Immunology Electives

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete at least three credits:

  • MIC 314 HIV/AIDS: Science, Behavior, and Society (3)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • MIC 379 Medical Bacteriology (3)
  • MIC/BIO 420 Immunology: Molecular and Cellular Foundations (3)
  • MIC 421 Experimental Immunology (2)
  • MIC 441 Bacterial Genetics (3)
  • MIC 442 Bacterial Genetics Laboratory (1)
  • MBB/MIC 445 Techniques in Molecular Biology/Genetics (3)
  • MBB/MIC 446 Techniques in Molecular Biology/Genetics Lab (2)
  • MIC 470 Bacterial Diversity and Systematics (4)
  • BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB 484 Internship (1-6)
  • MIC 485 General Virology (3)

Major General Biology Electives

Complete at least three credits:

  • BIO 302 Cancer – Mother of All Diseases (3)
  • BIO 312/PHI 320 Bioethics (3)
  • BIO 320 Fundamentals of Ecology (3)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)
  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 353 Cell Biology (3)
  • BIO 360 Animal Physiology (3)
  • BIO 416/HPS 410 Biomedical Research Ethics (3)
  • BMI 465 Introduction to Comparative Genomics (3)

Major Microbiology Labs

Complete two lab courses. Credits from labs are accounted for in other areas.

  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • MIC 421 Experimental Immunology Laboratory (2)
  • MIC 442 Bacterial Genetics Laboratory (1)
  • MBB/MIC 446 Techniques in Mol Biol/Genetics Lab (2)
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO 390 Medical/Dental Field Placement or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study may be substituted for one lab course (1-3)

Requirements in Related Fields 

General Chemistry

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry

  • CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry (3)
  • CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry or BCH 461/462 General Biochemistry 
  • BCH 367 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1) or BCH 467 Analytical Biochemistry Lab (3) 

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233 General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234 General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics (4) 

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111 General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112 General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114 General Physics Laboratory II (1)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Major Core

Complete the following:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4)
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • MBB 347 Molecular Genetics: From Genes to Proteins (4)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • MIC 220 Biology of Microorganisms (3) & MIC 206 Microbiology Lab (1)
  • MBB 484 Internship and/or MBB 495 Undergraduate Research (6)
  • MBB 490 Capstone: Issues in Biotechnology (2)
  • MBB 491 Capstone: Issues in Molecular Biosciences (2)

Major Core Electives

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete at least 7 credit hours:

  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology (4)
  • BIO/MAT/MBB 355: Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology (3)
  • BIO 357: Cell and Molecular Biology Lab (2)
  • BIO 415: Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 439: Computing for Research (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420 Immunology: Molecular and Cellular Foundations (3) & MIC 421 Experimental Immunology (2)
  • BIO 451 Cell Biotechnology Lab (4)
  • MBB 350 Applied Genetics (4)
  • MBB/BIO 440 Functional Genomics (3)
  • MBB/MIC 445 Techniques in Molecular Biology (3) & MBB/MIC 446 Techniques in Molecular Biology Laboratory (2)
  • MIC 302: Advanced Bacteriology Lab (2)
  • MIC/BIO 420: Immunology: Molecular & Cell Foundations (3) & MIC 421: Experimental Immunology (2)
  • MIC 441 Bacterial Genetics (3) & MIC 442 Bacterial Genetics Laboratory (1)

Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry 

  • CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry  (3)
  • CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory  (1)

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233 General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234 General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3)
  • BCH 367 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1)

--- or --- :

  • BCH 461 General Biochemistry (3)
  • BCH 462 General Biochemistry (3)
  • BCH 467 Analytical Biochemistry Laboratory (3)


  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics (4)

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111 General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112 General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114 General Physics Laboratory II (1)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Major Core

Complete the following:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4)
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) or MBB 347 Molecular Genetics: From Genes to Proteins (4)
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following:

  • BIO 331 Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO 360 Animal Physiology (3)
  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3) 

Major Core Electives

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete two of the following:

  • BIO 436 Sociobiology and Behavioral Ecology (3)
  • BIO 461 Comparative Animal Physiology (3)
  • BIO 462 Endocrine Physiology (3)
  • BIO 467 Neurobiology (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420 Immunology: Cellular and Molecular Foundations (3)

Major Comparative Structure and Function Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
 Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 385 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 386 General Entomology (4)
  • BIO 461 Comparative Animal Physiology (3)
  • PSY 426 Neuroanatomy (4)

Major Laboratory/Research Courses

Complete one of the following:

  • BCH 367 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1)
  • BIO 308 Plant Physiology (4)
  • BIO 342 General Genetics Laboratory (2)
  • BIO/MBB 343 Genetic Engineering and Society (4)
  • BIO 352 Laboratory in Vertebrate Developmental Anatomy (2)
  • BIO/MAT/MBB 355: Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology (3)
  • BIO 361 Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 415 Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 435 Research Techniques in Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO 439 Computing for Research (3)
  • BIO 451 Cell Biotechnology Laboratory (4)
  • BIO 475 Advanced Human Anatomy (3)
  • MIC 421 Experimental Immunology (2)
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO 390 Medical/Dental Field Placement or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study may be substituted for one lab course (1-3)

Major Electives

Any SOLS upper division coursework (300 and 400 level BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB) will count in this area, including BMI 465 and PSY 470, that has not already been used in the major area.

Requirements in Related Fields 

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry 

  • CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry  (3)
  • CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)

--- or ---

 Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233 General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234 General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics  (4)

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111 General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112 General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114 General Physics Laboratory II (1)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3)


Course Availability

Major Core

Complete the following:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4)
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4)
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) 
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Laboratory/Research Courses

Complete two courses from the list below. Use only one 495 or 484 course toward the two courses.
Credits from labs are accounted for in the major general elective area.

  • BIO 321 Introductory Ecology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 342 General Genetics Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 357 Cell and Molecular Bio Lab (2)
  • BIO 361 Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 415 Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 475 Advanced Human Anatomy (3)
  • BIO 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO 484 Internship (1-3)
  • MIC 206 Microbiology Laboratory (1) AND MIC 220 Biology of Microorganisms (3)

Major Electives

Any SOLS upper division coursework (300 and 400 level BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB) will count in this area, including BCH 361, that has not already been used in the major area.

Additional Major Requirements

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them

Five courses are required, with at least one course from each of the four breadth categories.

Ethics, History and Philosophy of Science:

  • BIO 311 or HPS 340 Biology and Society (3)
  • BIO 312 or PHI 320 Bioethics (3)
  • HPS/PHI 314 Philosophy of Sciences (3)
  • BIO 318 or HPS 331 History of Medicine (3)
  • BIO 416 or HPS 410 Biomedical Research Ethics (3)

Ecology, Conservation Biology, and Evolution:

  • BIO 320 Fundamentals of Ecology (3)
  • BIO 322 Conservation of Biodiversity (3)

Microbiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology:

  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3)
  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 353 Cell Biology (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420 Immunology (3)
  • BIO/MBB 440 Functional Genomics (3)
  • MIC 220 Biology or Microorganisms AND MIC 206 Microbiology Laboratory (4)

Organismal Biology:

  • BIO 331 Animal Behavior (2)
  • BIO 360 Animal Physiology (3)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 467 Neurobiology (3)

Requirements in Related Fields 

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry 

  • CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry SQ 1 (3)
  • CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory SQ 1 (1) 


Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233 General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234 General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics (4 hours) 


Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111 General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112 General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114 General Physics Laboratory II (1)

Math Proficiency

Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Course Availability

Major Core

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4)
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4)
  • BIO 340 General Genetics  (4)
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 312/PHI 320 Bioethics (3) or BIO 416 Biomedical Research Ethics (3)
  • BIO 353  Cell Biology (3)
  • BIO 360  Animal Physiology (3)

Major Elective Concentration Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete two of the following:

  • BIO 351  Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO/BIO 420  Immunology: Molecular and Cellular Foundations (3)
  • BIO/MBB 440  Functional Genomics (3)
  • BIO 467  Neurobiology (3)

Biomedical Research and Medicine in Society 

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete at least six credit hours. One course must be from each list: Biomedical Research and Medicine in Society.

Biomedical Research Course List

  • BIO 342 General Genetics Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 357 Cell and Molecular Bio Lab (2)
  • BIO 361  Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology Lab (4)
  • BIO 415 Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 439 Computing for Research (3)
  • BIO 475 Advanced Human Anatomy (3)
  • BIO 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO 484 Internship  (1-3)

Medicine in Society Course List

  • ASB/SSH/HST 301 Global History of Health (3)
  • ASB 443/SSH 403  Cross-Cultural Studies in Global Health (3-6)
  • ASB 452/SSH 402  Community Partnerships for Global Health (3-9)
  • ASB 462 Medical Anthropology: Culture and Health (3)
  • ASM 345  Disease and Human Evolution (3)
  • ASM 401 Health and Human Biology (3-4)
  • ASM 414 Urban and Environmental Health (3)
  • BIO 311/HPS 340 Biology and Society (3)
  • BIO 318/HPS 331  History of Medicine (3)
  • BIO 394 Healing Traditions of Latino America (3)
  • BIO 394 Spanish for Biomedical Sciences (3)
  • BIO/ASM 403 Evolutionary Medicine and Global Health (3)
  • BIO 408 Advanced Evolutionary Medicine (3)
  • BIO 494 Introduction to Clinical Healthcare (3)
  • SSH 404/ASB 462  Medical Anthropology: Culture and Health (3)

Biomedical Sciences Laboratory

The Biomedical Research courses from above will fulfill major lab check.

Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113  General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116  General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry

  • CHM 231  Elementary Organic Chemistry (3)
  • CHM 235  Elementary Organic Chemistry Lab(1)

---- or ----

Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233  General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234  General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237  General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238  General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry or BCH 461/462 General Biochemistry (for Biochemistry Majors or Minors)
  • BCH 367  Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1) or BCH 467 (for Biochemistry Majors or Minors)


  • PHY 101  Introduction to Physics (4)

---- or ----

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111  General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112  General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113  General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114  General Physics Laboratory II (1)

Math Proficiency 

Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Course Availability

Major Core

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4) 
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) 
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following:

  • BIO 311/HPS 340  Biology and Society (3)

Upper Division Bioethics Course (Choose one):

Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 312/PHI 320 Bioethics (3)
  • BIO 416 Biomedical Research Ethics (3)

Upper Division History of Science Course (Choose one):

Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 316/HPS 330 History of Biology: Conflicts and Controversies (3)
  • BIO 317/HPS 323 History of Science (3)
  • BIO 318/HPS 331 History of Medicine (3)

Upper Division Philosophy of Science Course (Choose one):

Complete the following:

  • BIO 452/HPS 452 Philosophy of Biology and Medicine (3)
  • PHI 314 Philosophy of Science (3)

Upper Division Environmental Ethics, Conservation and Society Course (Choose One):

Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 322 Conservation of Biodiversity
  • BIO 324/PHI 310 Environmental Ethics

Upper Division Science in Global Society Course (Choose one):

Complete the following:

  • BIO 302 Cancer - Mother of All Diseases (3)
  • BIO 304 Plants & Civilization

Major Biological Sciences Electives

Any SOLS upper division coursework (300 and 400 level BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB) will count in this area, including BCH 361, that has not already been used in the major area.

  • 300-499 Level BIO/HPS/MBB/MIC Course
  • BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB 484 Internship (limited to 3 hours)*
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study (3)
  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3)

*Please consult with an advisor to discuss how to obtain research/internship opportunities.


Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Math Proficiency

Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Course Availability

Major Core 

Complete the following courses:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4) 
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) 
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Concentration Core 

Complete the following:

  • BIO 320 Fundamentals of Ecology (3)
  • BIO 322 Conservation of Biodiversity (3)

Human Dimensions of Conservation and Ecology

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 304/ENV 302 Plants and Civilization (3)
  • BIO 324/PHI 310 Environmental Ethics (3)
  • BIO 363 From Cells to Society: Understanding Complexity (3)
  • SOS 310 Equity, Justice and Sustainability (3)
  • SOS 321 Policy and Governance in Sustainable Systems (3)
  • SOS 325 The Economics of Sustainability (3)

Conservation Biology and Ecology Field Methods

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 410 Techniques in Conservation Biology and Ecology (3)
  • BIO 484 Internship (1-6) (must receive faculty approval to use as major credit)

Advanced Ecology

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 331 Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO 425 Marine Conservation Ecology (3)
  • SOS 326 Sustainable Ecosystems (3)
  • BIO 423 Population & Community Ecology (3)

Advanced Ecology, Biodiversity, Field or Research

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • ASM 443 Primatology (3) 
  • BIO 331 Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4) 
  • BIO 385 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology (4) - course in development
  • BIO 386 General Entomology (3) - course in development
  • BIO 410 Techniques in Conservation Biology and Ecology (3) 
  • BIO 436 Sociobiology and Behavioral Ecology (3) - course in development
  • BIO 461 Comparative Animal Physiology (3) - course in development
  • BIO 495 Undergraduate Research - maximum of 6 credits from 495/484 can be applied to major requirements
  • GPH 422 Plant Geography (3)
  • GLG 325 Oceanography (3)

Advanced Human Dimensions of Conservation and Ecology

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 304/ENV 302 Plants and Civilization (3) 
  • BIO 324/PHI 310 Environmental Ethics (3) 
  • BIO 494 Society and Natural Resource Management (3)
  • PRM 370 Public Land Management (3)
  • PRM 380: Wilderness and Parks in America (3)
  • SOS 310 Equity, Justice and Sustainability (3) 
  • SOS 321 Policy and Governance in Sustainable Systems (3) 
  • SOS 325 The Economics of Sustainability (3) 

Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry (8 Hours)

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Physical Science Requirement (3 Hour Minimum)

  • CHM 231 and CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry (4)
  • GIS 205  Geographic Information Science I (3)
  • GIS 211 Geographic Information Science II (4)
  • GLG 101 and GLG 103 Introduction to Geology I (4)
  • GPH 111 Introduction to Physical Geography (3)
  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics (4)


  • PHY 111 and 113 General Physics I (4)
  • PHY 112 and 114 General Physics II (4)

Quantitative and Spatial Analysis

Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 411 Quantitative Methods in Conservation and Ecology (4)
  • BIO 415 Biometry  (4) 
  • GIS 311 Geographic Information Science III (4)
  • GIS 470 Advanced Statistics for Geography and Planning (3)
  • GIS 471 Spatial Statistics for Geography and Planning (3)
  • GIS 494 GIS for Climate Change Science (3)
  • GIS 494 GIS Methods for Non-Majors (4)
  • SOS 212 Systems, Dynamics and Sustainability (3)


Math Proficiency (3 hours)

Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)

Statistics (3 hours)

Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Course Availability

Major Core

Complete the following:

Note: Once you start a General BIO sequence, you must complete the full sequence (BIO 181 & 182 OR BIO 281 & 282)

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4) 
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4) 
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following:

  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 353 Cell Biology (3)
  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3) 

Additional Major Concentration Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them

Complete two of the following:

  • BIO 360 Animal Physiology (3)
  • BIO/MBB 440 Functional Genomics (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420 Immunology: Molecular and Cellular Foundations (3)

Major Laboratory/Research Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete two of the following. Only 3 credits of 495, 484, or 492 can count towards one lab.

  • BIO 342 General Genetics Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 357 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 361 Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 415 Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 439 Computing for Research (3)
  • BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB 484 Internship or BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study may be substituted for one lab course (1-3)
  • MIC 220 Biology of Microorganisms and MIC 206 Microbiology Lab (4)
  • BCH 367 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1)

Major Electives

Any SOLS upper division coursework (300 and 400 level BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB) will count in this area, including BCH 361, that has not already been used in the major area.

Requirements in Related Fields

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry 

  • CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry (3)
  • CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1) 

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233 General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234 General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics (4) 

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111 General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112 General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114 General Physics Laboratory II (1) 


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)
  • MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3) 
  • STP 226 Elementary Statistics (3)

Course Availability

Major Core

Complete the following:

  • BIO 181 General Biology I (4)
  • BIO 182 General Biology II (4) 
  • BIO 340 General Genetics (4)
  • BIO 345 Evolution (3)

Major Concentration Courses

Complete the following:

  • BIO 331 Animal Behavior (3)
  • BIO 360 Animal Physiology (3)
  • BCH 361 Principles of Biochemistry (3) 

Major Core Electives

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
Complete two of the following:

  • BIO 436 Sociobiology and Behavioral Ecology (3) - course in development
  • BIO 461 Comparative Animal Physiology (3) - course in development
  • BIO 462 Endocrine Physiology (3) - course in development
  • BIO 467 Neurobiology (3)
  • BIO/MIC 420 Immunology: Cellular and Molecular Foundations (3)

Major Comparative Structure and Function Courses

*Please see an advisor if courses are not offered in the term you wish to take them
 Complete one of the following:

  • BIO 351 Developmental Biology (3)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 385 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology (4) - course in development
  • BIO 386 General Entomology (4) - course in development
  • BIO 461 Comparative Animal Physiology (3) - course in development
  • BIO 498 Neural Development (3) - course in development

Major Laboratory/Research Courses

Complete one of the following:

  • BCH 367 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1)
  • BIO 342 General Genetics Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 354 Celluar Biology Laboratory (1)
  • BIO 361 Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)
  • BIO 370 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
  • BIO 415 Statistical Models for Biology (4)
  • BIO 439 Computing for Research (3)
  • BIO 475 Advanced Human Anatomy (3)
  • BIO/MIC/MBB 495 Undergraduate Research or BIO/MIC 484 Internship or BIO/MIC/MBB 492 Honors Directed Study may be substituted for one lab course (1-3)

Major Electives

Any SOLS upper division coursework (300 and 400 level BIO/HPS/MIC/MBB) will count in this area.

Requirements in Related Fields 

General Chemistry 

Take both courses:

  • CHM 113 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHM 116 General Chemistry II (4)

Organic Chemistry 

  • CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry  (3)
  • CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)

--- or ---

 Pre-health sequence:

  • CHM 233 General Organic Chemistry I (3)
  • CHM 234 General Organic Chemistry II (3)
  • CHM 237 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
  • CHM 238 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)


  • PHY 101 Introduction to Physics  (4)

--- or ---

Pre-health sequence:

  • PHY 111 General Physics I (3)
  • PHY 112 General Physics II (3)
  • PHY 113 General Physics Laboratory I (1)
  • PHY 114 General Physics Laboratory II (1)


Complete one of the following:

  • MAT 251 Calculus for Life Sciences (3)


Complete one of the following:

  • STP 231 Statistics for Biosciences (3)