Comprehensive exams and dissertation prospectus

Exams and pay

In preparing for your comprehensive exams and dissertation prospectus, please consult with your faculty advisor and review the details described in the SOLS handbook for the academic year you were admitted. In order to advance to candidacy, you must complete your oral exam, written exam, and your dissertation prospectus. Each SOLS PhD program carries out this process differently, so please ensure you understand what is required of you.

Scheduling your exams:

Before scheduling your exams, please make sure your iPOS is approved and your faculty committee is up to date in your iPOS.
Once you have the date of your exam finalized, please complete the comprehensive exam and prospectus registration form linked below.

View registration form


After your exams:

  • Once your pass/fail form has been completed, the SOLS Graduate Office will input your results in your iPOS. If you passed each component, you will advance to candidacy and receive a formal candidacy letter from ASU.
  • If you advance to candidacy by the deadlines below, you will receive a post-candidacy pay increase the following semester (and each subsequent semester). 

Advancing to candidacy session materials:

Please review the video recording and PDF of the slide presentation below on advancing to candidacy for more information.   

View video recording

View slide deck

Post-candidacy pay increase deadlines:

It often takes time for a pass/fail form to be e-signed by each member of your committee and the Program Director of your program. The form must be complete by the dates below in order to receive your pay increase, so we recommend scheduling your exams at least a couple weeks before these dates.

  • Pay increase effective Spring 2025: December 16, 2024
  • Pay increase effective Summer 2025: April 28, 2025