Degree programs
- BS Biological Sciences
- BS Biological Sciences (Biology and Society)
- BS Biological Sciences (Biomedical Sciences)
- BS Biological Sciences (Conservation Biology and Ecology)
- BS Biological Sciences (Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology)
- BS Biological Sciences (Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
- BS Microbiology
- BS Microbiology (Medical Microbiology)
- BS Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology
- Animal Behavior, PhD
- Biology (Biology and Society), MS
- Biology (Biology and Society), PhD
- Biology (Complex Adaptive Systems Science), PhD
- Biology, MS
- Biology, MS (coursework and capstone)
- Biology, PhD
- Computational Life Sciences (Graduate Certificate)
- Environmental Communication and Leadership (Graduate Certificate)
- Environmental Life Sciences, PhD
- Evolutionary Biology, PhD
- History and Philosophy of Science, PhD
- Microbiology, MS
- Microbiology, PhD
- Molecular and Cellular Biology, MS
- Molecular/Cellular Biology, PhD
- Neuroscience, PhD
- Plant Biology and Conservation, MS
- Scientific Teaching in Higher Education Certificate (Graduate Certificate)
Admissions Overview
Graduate Admission
Student life
Research Overview
- ASU-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center
- Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center
- Center for Applied Structural Discovery
- Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics
- Center for Biodiversity Outcomes
- Center for Bioenergy and Photosynthesis
- Center for Biology and Society
- Center for Evolution and Medicine
- Center for Fundamental and Applied Microbiomics
- Center for Immunotherapy, Vaccines and Virotherapy
- Center for Innovations in Medicine
- Center for Membrane Proteins in Infectious Diseases
- Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity
- Global Drylands Center
- Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics
- Mechanisms of Evolution
- Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center
- Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology
- Urban Climate Research Center
- Virginia G. Piper Center for Personalized Diagnostics
About Overview
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